MFB is the easiest way to display dynamic data in Gutenberg

It’s just a single block. It supports all kinds of custom fields and it works all in Page Editor, Site Editor, and template files. It can also be nested in a Query Loop block.

Display post meta fields

To display a custom field, insert MFB into the Editor, choose a field type, and enter the field name. Fields with the Show in REST option enabled will appear in the list of suggested names.

Use MFB to display post meta fields in the Page Editor (30 seconds)

Display term/user meta fields

To display custom fields for terms or users, insert MFB into the corresponding templates in the Site Editor, choose a field type, and enter a field name. The fields will appear on the appropriate taxonomy page or the author page, depending on the context.

Use MFB to display term meta fields in the Site Editor (1 minute)

Display global setting fields

To display global setting fields, you will need the PRO version of MFB. Insert MFB into the Editor, choose the meta type as “option”, choose a field type, and enter a field name.

Use MFB Pro to display global setting fields (2 minutes 24 seconds)

Display ACF query fields

MFB supports displaying custom fields created by the Advanced Custom Fields plugin explicitly. MFB Pro allow you to display ACF query fields like Relationship, Post Object as a Query Loop.

Use MFB Pro to display ACF query fields (2 minutes 40 seconds)

Display ACF complex fields

MFB Pro allow you to display complex fields like Group, Repeater, Flexible content in a simple and familiar way, similar to working with core layout blocks.

Display ACF group fields (2 minutes 30 seconds)

Display ACF repeater fields (3 minutes)

Display ACF basic fields as core blocks

MFB Pro allows you to display ACF basic fields as core blocks and apply all core features to the field.

Display ACF URL fields as link, button, or image
(1 minute 19 seonds)

Display ACF email, file fields (1 minute)

Display ACF file field as a video (1 minute)

Display ACF gallery field (1 minute)

Display fields from another item

To display fields from another item, you will need to choose the meta type as post, term, or user, and input the ID of the item that you want to display fields from.

Use MFB Pro to display fields from another post (51 seconds)

Display shortcodes

You can also use MFB to run your shortcodes. It can show the preview value of your shortcode in the Editor and get the correct value in a Query Loop block. To do this, you just need to insert MFB in the Editor, choose the field type as “dynamic”, and enter your shortcode in the field name.

Explore MFB Pro

Try MFB Pro and see how it can help you build your site faster and more easily.